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trees whose flowers were scattered all around by the breeze. And that forest was charming and dear to the Gandharvas and always gave them pleasure. And it was full of bees maddened with the honey they sucked. And the sight of all this was exceedingly delightful. And in consequence of many things there, capable of charming everybody, that forest was fair, delightful, and holy. And, echoing with the notes of various birds, it delighted greatly the sons of Kadru,

"And the snakes, after arriving at that forest, began to enjoy themselves. And they commanded the lord of birds, viz., Garuda, of great energy, saying, 'Convey us to some other fair island with pure water. Thou ranger of the skies, thou must have seen many fair regions while coursing (through the air). Garuda, after reflecting for a few moments, asked his mother Vinata, saying 'Why, mother, have I to do the bidding of the snakes?' Vinata thus questioned by him spake unto that ranger of the skies, viz., her son, invested with every virtue, of great energy, and great strength as follows:--

"Vinata said,-'Othou best of birds, I have become from misfortune, the slave of my co-wife. The snakes, by an act of deception, caused me to lose my bet and have made me so.' When his mother had told him the reason, that ranger of the skies, dejected with grief, addressed the snakes, sayin,"Tell me, ye snakes, by bringing what thing, gaining a knowledge of what thing, or doing what act of prowess, we may be freed from this state of bondage to you."

Sauti continued, "The snakes, hearing him, said.-'Bring thou amrita by force! Then, o bird, shall you be freed from bondage,

And so ends the twenty-seventh section in the Astika Parva of the Adi Parva


(Astika Paroa continued)

Sauti said, "Garuda, thus addressed by the snakes, then said unto his mother.'I shall go to bring amrita ! I desire to eat some thing in the way. Direct me to it.' Vinata replied, 'In a remote region in the midst of the ocean, the Nishadas have their fair home. Having eaten the thousands of Nishadas that live there, bring thou amrita ! But let not thy heart be ever set on taking the life of a Brahmana. Of all creatures a Brahmana must not be slain! He is, indeed, like fire. A Brahmana, when angry, becomes like fire or the Sun, like poison or an edged weapon. A Brahmana, it has been said, is the master of all creatures. For these and other reasons, a Brahmana is the adored of the virtuous. O child,