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sources — His good nature and his good sense prevail — His kind treatment of his opponents — Valuable help and sympathetic attitude of Col. Prideaux — The Maharaja's visit to Lahore in March 1892 — Cholera in Cashmere — Fires and scarcity — The Maharaja's anxiety to see his subjects — He is detained at Jummu — His solicitude — Relief measures ordered by him on a liberal scale — Medical aid — Pundit Suraj Kaul sent to Cashmere to provide against scarcity — His success — Grants to the sufferers from fire — Testimony of an Anglo-Indian paper —The Maharaja goes to Srinagar in July 1892 — Visits Gulmarg — His attention engrossed in pressing affairs of State — Sanitary improvements in Srinagar — Water works proposed — The Maharaja's tender sympathy for the peasantry — Remission of large arrears of revenue — Announced at the Dusserah Durbar — Description of the Durbar — His subjects' attachment to the Maharaja — The Maharaja's speech — He divines good to his people from the fixity