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before the rising sun, on the appearance of Lord Lansdowne in Cashmere. He had submitted to his reverses with patient dignity and awaited with fortitude the triumph of truth over falsehood. His anticipations have been partly verified. But, under the circumstances mentioned above, he deserves ampler justice than has been meted out to him. His strong claims to the kindness and consideration of the British Government have been already referred to.* It would seem that those claims have not received any attention up to this time. They have been rather neglected and overlooked and ignored.

I am exceedingly sorry to have to record this, but the task I have taken upon myself leaves me no option in the matter. Duty impels me to tell the plain truth, even at the risk of giving offence, though I feel convinced that a love of truth is instinctive with all Englishmen, and no one can fall in their estimation for speak-

  • See page 144 ante.