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Paramount Power is fully aware of the status conferred on the Maharaja of Cashmere by the said treaty, and of its obligation to maintain that status in all its integrity. I have shewn before that the Maharaja never did anything to forfeit that status, but it was only on account of a false notion regarding the Maharaja's misgovernment that the status was wrested from him. Now that the mistake has been cleared up, justice as well as sound policy requires that it should be rendered back to His Highness.

And for this I would venture to lay an humble appeal before His Excellency Lord Lansdowne who has, by words as well as by deeds, shewn a wiUingness to do the Maharaja every reasonable reparation. His Excellency was an unwitting instrument of the Maharaja's downfall, and I trust I have been able to prove clearly that it is due to himself as well as the Maharaja that he should, before leaving India, restore to him those rights and privileges upon which, he publicly declared,