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appoint his own advisers or to remove them. The consequence is that, in all cases in which their interests dash with his, they feel inclined to prefer the former to the detriment of the latter. Hence arise friction and the absence of that cordiality and co-operation without which it is impossible that the affairs of the State should go on smoothly and prosperously. I humbly submit that to remove this friction and ensure this cordiality and eo-operation, it is essential that the Maharajas advisers should be rendered dependent upon His Highness, so that, owing allegiance to him, they might not feel tempted to disregard his authority, but plight identify their interests with and subordinate their wishes to his. However anxious the Maharaja may be to place the administration upon a sound and satisfactory footing, he can never accomplish his object till -he secures the services of some thoroughly honest and capable men, who may serve him unselfishly with zeal and energy, and