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The Dogras, besides, are subjects of the' Maharaja to whom they are devotedly attached, and they are among the flower of the Indian Army. A just, fair and considerate treatment of the Maharaja is sure to inspire them with greater ardour and incite them to greater self-sacrifice, bravery and heroism. The Maharaja's loyalty and devotion to the Paramount Power, which have been so conspicuously displayed on previous occasions, would also receive a fresh stimulus, and his noble example would act and react vigorously on his subjects. A strong, well-governed and contented Cashmere would constitute an effective bulwork against external aggressions, maintain peace and order in the border districts, and considerably strengthen the line of frontier defences. The Maharaja, fully conscious of his responsible position in the Empire, would be encouraged to serve with increased earnest- ness and zeal and neglect no measures calculated to promote and solidify imperial interests. And the Government of India