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book is to place a number of facts and arguments before His Excellency, showing how the Maharaja deserves such reparation at His Excellency's hands.

If the Maharaja were a tyrannical or an oppressive ruler, I should have been the last to take up the pen in his favour, or say a word on his behalf. But aware as I am from personal knowledge of the good traits in his character — his goodness, his benevolence, his courtesy, his deep and earnest anxiety for the welfare and advancement of his subjects, I have been much pained at the underserved treatment he has received, and having had the honour to serve him in a high capacity though for a brief period, have regarded it my duty to defend him against the ungrounded, unjust and not unoften evil-minded aspersions of his open enemies and false friends. And the call of this duty has seemed to me all the more imperative, as I consider the question of the Maharaja's restoration to full powers possesses a wider significance than can