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clination on the part of the Northern Bear to pounce upon 'the garden of Central Asia,' and the zeal and earnestness with which the formation of the Imperial Service corps has been promoted, clearly demonstrate that they are ready and prepared to assist the Paramount Power with all the resources at their command, should an)"- assistance be necessary, as they did in the dark and troublous days of 1857. The Paramount Power would greatly enhance their warm adherence to its cause and knit closer their bonds of allegiance by treating them with the honour and courtesy which are unquestionably their due, and in shewing the same fastidious scrupulousness in dealing with their rights and privileges as with its own. They are the mainstays of the Empire and sincere friends and well-wishers of the Paramount Power, and they possess every right to claim from it that fair and candid treatment which is as far above the clap- traps of diplomacy as honesty is above tricking subterfuge or