Rumex acetosella (sheep-sorrel), common by river and log-paths, as Chesuncook log-path.
Impatiens fulva (spotted touch-me-not).
Trillium erythrocarpum (painted trillium), common West Branch and Moosehead carry.
Verbena hastata (blue vervain).
Clematis Virginiana (common virgin's-bower), common on river banks, feathered in September, 1853, in bloom July, 1857.
Leucanthemum vulgare (white-weed).
Sium lineare (water-parsnip), 1857, and Chesuncook shore, 1853.
Achillea millefolium (common yarrow), by river and log-paths, and Smith's.
Desmodium Canadense (Canadian tick-trefoil), not uncommon.
Oxalis acetosella (common wood-sorrel), still out July 25, 1853, at Moosehead carry and after.
Oxalis stricta (yellow wood-sorrel), 1853, at Smith's and his wood-path.
Liparis liliifolia (tway-blade), Kineo, Bradford.
Uvularia grandiflora (large-flowered bellwort), woods, common.
Uvularia sessilifolia (sessile-leaved bellwort), Chesuncook woods, 1853.
In all, 145.
4. Of Lower Order.
Scirpus Eriophorum (wool-grass), very common, especially on low islands. A coarse grass, four or five feet high, along the river.
Phleum pratense (herd's-grass), on carries, at camps and clearings.
Equisetum sylvaticum (sylvatic horse-tail).
Pteris aquilina (brake), Kineo and after.
Onoclea sensibilis (sensitive-fern), very common along the river sides; some on the gravelly shore of Heron Lake Island.
Polypodium Dryopteris (brittle polypody).
Woodsia Ilvensis (rusty Woodsia), Kineo.
Lycopodium lucidulum (toothed club-moss).
Usnea (a parmeliaceous lichen), common on various trees.