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to which I incline (§ 173) is simpler, if more agnostic, than the point of view from which Brugmann has surveyed the evidence; his classification is invaluable for purposes of enquiry, but it was not meant to be final.

For the schoolboy’s sake also I have retained the modern (XVI century) symbol v to denote the sound of consonantal u (Eng. w) in Latin.

I am deeply indebted to the kindness of my colleague Mr. G. EH. K. Braunholtz whose searching and patient criticism has removed a number of obscurities and one or two serious errors. For such as may remain I am of course alone responsible. The Indices, which I hope will add to the usefulness of the book, are mainly the work of Mr. G. S. Conway, B.A., of Rugby.

I shall be grateful for any criticism from readers of the book, sent to me directly, or through its publisher, especially from those who may have used it with a class.

R. S. C.

August, 1922.