Page:The Malavikagnimitra, Tawney (2nd edition, 1891).djvu/13

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I HAVE received so many applications for copies of my translation of the Malavikagnimitra that I have at last made up my mind to republish it. I have based the present edition on the text of Shankar Pandurang Pandit's second edition, and I have almost invariably followed his explanations. I desire here to acknowledge generally my obligations to his notes. I also take this opportunity of thankfully acknowledging his courtesy in sending me advance copies of the text and notes of his second edition. I have also referred occasionally to the elaborate edition of Friederich Bollensen (Leipzig, 1879). Of course, the present edition of my translation, like the former, is strictly in usum tironum, and I shall be quite satisfied, if I find that it has contributed to lighten the labours of some of the students of our Indian Universities.

Calcutta, August 1891.