Page:The Man Who Died Twice (1924).djvu/90

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And set you in a somewhat fiery world
Not to be burnt.” But there he shook his head
And looked at me as he had looked before,
Like one who was a little sorry for me.
I had made several entrances already
With my determinism, and always failed.
He would have none of it. He was to blame,
And it was only right. that he should lose
What he had won too late. “Why pity me?”
He asked, strangely, “You see that I’m content.
I shall not have to be here very long,
And there’s not much that I may do for God
Except to praise Him. I shall not annoy you,
Or your misguided pity, with my evangel,
For you must have yours in another dress.
I shall not ask if you believe me wise

In this that I am doing. I do not care.

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