Page:The Man with the Hoe, Markham, 1900.djvu/64

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The Hidden Valley

I stray with Ariel and Caliban:
I know the hill of windy pines—I know
Where the jay's nest swings in the wild gorge below:
Lightly I climb where fallen cedars span
Bright rivers—climb to a valley under ban,
Where west winds set a thousand bells ablow—
An eerie valley where in the morning glow
I hear the music of the pipes of Pan.

Mysterious horns blow by on the still air—
A satyr steps—a wood-god's dewy notes
Come faintly from a vale of tossing oats—
But, ho! what white thing in the canyon crossed?
Gods! I shall come on Dian unaware,
Look on her fearful beauty and be lost.