Page:The Marquess Cornwallis and the Consolidation of British Rule.djvu/125

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The Perpetual Settlement of Benares

One of the immediate consequences of the introduction of the Perpetual Settlement into the Lower Provinces was its extension to the Province of Benares. This was accomplished by Sir John Shore, Cornwallis's successor. But the opinion formed by Cornwallis himself as to the state of the Province is so significant that it ought to be quoted. Writing in 1787, on two separate occasions, he delivers himself as follows: —

'Benares on its present system must be a scene of the grossest corruption and mismanagement. There could be no reason for not placing it under the Board of Revenue like other Zamíndárís, except the consideration of the Governor-General losing so much patronage. It would be better for the Zamíndár, the inhabitants, and the country, and will probably soon take place. I am not enough versed in all the secrets of Benares to enter into a minute detail of them at present. I propose, if no untoward circumstances happen to prevent it, to visit the upper Stations this