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under Colonel Burr, to a defensive position near Kirkí, some three miles from the town. General Smith was also recalled from the north, but it was known that he could not arrive before the 10th or 12th, though his advanced troops, pushing on as rapidly as possible, were expected on the 6th; on the other hand a European regiment reached Kirkí on the 30th October. The Peshwá determined to strike before the division could return, and sent a messenger on the 5th to Mr. Elphinstone, with demands which could not be complied with; the latter now perceived that his position at Poona was untenable, and immediately after the interview left for Kirkí, attended by his personal escort. He was barely in time, for Bájí Ráo at the head of a body of troops entered the Residency, plundered the buildings, set them on fire, and destroyed a large amount of valuable property. Having accomplished this act of vandalism, the remainder of his troops marched towards Kirkí and determined to storm the British position. But the latter were in no mood to await the assault; for the Resident, knowing that the fidelity of many of the men had been undermined, decided that defensive tactics were useless, and urging Burr to move forward to meet the enemy, the latter responded willingly to this requisition, and gallantly advanced to the attack[1].

A spirited action took place between 2,800 British troops and about 26,000 Marathas, lasting from four in the afternoon till dark, when the Peshwá's forces

  1. Blacker, p. 69.