Page:The Marquess of Hastings, K.G..djvu/215

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assessment, subject to certain restraints to prevent oppression.

The general financial results achieved by Lord Hastings were highly satisfactory, and despite the difficulties which surrounded Government in 1813, show a marked and decided improvement on that year, both in increased receipts and in efficiency of administration. The charges upon Government had also naturally increased, but in a less proportion to the additional revenue acquired, so that after providing for the public debt, a clear surplus of more than three millions sterling had been obtained, and this notwithstanding the fact that two wars of the first magnitude had been undertaken, the cost of which weighed heavily upon the resources of the country. The following short table will show this account: —

1813-14. 1822-23. Receipts £17,228,000 23,120,000 Expenditure (charges, interest on public debt, &c.) 15,270,000 19,776,000 Surplus £1,958,000 3,344,000[1] Increase receipts in 1822-23 over 1813-14, £5,892,000.

The increasing prosperity showed itself in many ways. The Government bonds which in 1813 were twelve per cent. discount, stood at a premium of

1 Wilson, viii. Appendix vii. The military charges 1809-10 to 1813-14 averaged £7,344,000; in the next two years (Nepál War) £8,840,000; in the next five years (Maráthá War) £9,770,000; and in 1823-23 £8,405,000. Ibid. viii. 561.

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