Page:The Marquess of Hastings, K.G..djvu/29

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a regiment which he sent to Savannah, where the royalists were in great difficulties. It was therefore most fortunate when three Irish regiments landed at Charleston on the 3rd June. Rawdon, now able to act, advanced promptly with this unexpected reinforcement to Ninety-Six, where he raised the siege, and then pursued the enemy for forty miles beyond that station, while they, not venturing even to meet him, retreated with the utmost precipitation. Ninety-Six was evacuated like Camden, and as the arrangements were being carried out by the commandant, Rawdon marched with 800 men, and a few horsemen, to harass Greene still further, and ordered a detachment from Charleston to join him for this purpose on the 3rd July.

The order miscarried, and Greene intercepting a messenger, knew it had miscarried; he accordingly hoped to surround the British commander, but the latter moved so rapidly that he missed his chance, and only captured a few dragoons. When too late, and when the English did eventually receive some reinforcements, he came up with them (10th July), but having reconnoitred their position, he found it too strong and retreated again in haste. Shortly afterwards the detachment from Ninety- Six reached the British lines; and thus the bulk of the army in South Carolina which, in April, was scattered through a hostile province, in isolated bodies and opposed to a formidable enemy, was withdrawn from its perilous position, and was, in July, safely reunited and con-