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136. The right to establish the actual descent of a child is reserved to the interested parties, including the mother, even in cases when the persons registered as the parents of a child were, at the moment of its conception or birth, living in a registered marriage or in one of equal validity.

137. Should it be established by examination in court that the entry is false and based upon false testimony of persons pretending to be parents, the parties guilty of false testimony are liable to prosecution for a criminal offense and the entry is declared to be void.

138. The court, not later than three days after its decree takes effect, shall give notice of the judgment declaring an entry void and establishing the actual descent of a child to the Bureau of Vital Statistics where the birth is registered, and the entry is to be corrected accordingly.

139. Evidence of paternity, in case of the father disowning the child, is to be established according to the form prescribed in Sections 140–144.

140. An unmarried woman who becomes pregnant shall give notice not later than three months before the birth of the child to the local Bureau of Vital Statistics of her place of residence, stating the time of conception, the name and residence of the father.

Note. A similar notice may be given. by a married woman in case the conceived child does not descend from her registered husband.

141. On the receipt of such a notice, the Bureau of Vital Statistics shall inform the person indicated