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legal and general representatives of the children without a special appointment as guardians or trustees.

156. Parents are obliged to keep their children with them and have the right to claim their restitution from anyone who detains them without legal authority or without an order of the court.

157. Parents have the right to decide the manner of upbringing and instruction of their children, but the parents shall not contract for the employment of any of their children between the ages of 16 and 18 without the child's consent.[1]

158. In case the parents live apart, they shall decide by agreement with which of them their minor children shall live. In default of such agreement the matter shall be determined by the local court.

159. In cases when the court has deprived the parents of their parental rights, the court shall permit the parents to visit their children provided that such visits shall not have a harmful and prejudicial effect upon the children.

Chapter III

Property Rights and Obligations of Children and

160. Children have no right to the property of their parents, nor parents to the property of their children.

161. Parents shall be bound to provide board

  1. Employment of children under 16 is prohibited by the labor laws of Soviet Russia.—(Ed. note.)