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tributing towards the maintenance of their children.

170. On the death of both or either of the parents or on the death of the children, the respective maintenance for the parents or the children who are indigent and unable to work shall be contributed out of the estate of the deceased in pursuance of the rules prescribed by Sections 122 to 128.

Note. The present section shall extend to the cases of persons declared to be dead or absent without trace.

171. In the case provided for in Section 129, the parents and the children shall administer and dispose of the property left by the deceased equally with the other parties entitled to a share in the said estate.

Chapter IV

Rights and Duties of Relatives

172. Persons in direct ascending or descending lines of affinity, consanguineous or half consanguineous brothers and sisters who may be indigent and unable to work have the right to obtain maintenance from their well-to-do relatives.

Note. No distinction shall be made between the relationships established by legal marriage and those by unregistered union.

173. Relatives in the direct ascending and descending lines and brothers and sisters in their rela-