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tion and medical treatment of the ward, provided the same shall not exceed the total income of the ward.

230. The organ of guardianship shall administer the property of the ward carefully and in a business-like manner.

231. In case a ward shall succeed to an estate as mentioned in Section 129, the organ of guardianship shall administer the property on equal terms with the other persons entitled to participate in the administration and disposition of the said estate.

232. The organ of guardianship in its capacity as the representative of the ward shall be entitled to do all the things which the ward himself could do if he were in possession of full civil rights.

233. A guardian shall not represent a ward when the latter is engaged in a business transaction with, or is conducting a law suit against, the spouse of the guardian or his relative in the direct ascending or descending lines.

234. A guardian shall not be a party in his own interest to an agreement concerning the property of a ward, nor shall he acquire any interest in claims brought by or against the ward.

235. The payment of debts to the guardian due on transactions entered into by him with the ward prior to his appointment as guardian, shall be made by special permission of the respective Department of Social Welfare.

236. The organ of guardianship in its capacity as the representative of the ward shall not disburse any donations whatsoever.