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representative elected by the council of public judges shall be substituted by the local judge.

7. The Medical Commission in determining the normality of the person under examination shall be entitled to use all the methods approved by medical science for the determination of insanity. The Medical Commission shall have the right in special cases when it shall appear impossible to come to a definite conclusion after the first examination to make a second examination within a certain period of time, or to place the person under examination in a special medical institution for supervision for a period deemed necessary by the Medical Commission.

8. Detailed minutes of the sittings. of the said Commission shall be kept and the results of the examinations shall be embodied in a report signed by all the members of the Medical Commission.

9. Guardianship shall be instituted over the person and the property of a person found to be insane by the Medical Commission and the Medical Department shall inform the organ of guardianship thereof.

Note. The organ of guardianship shall make an announcement of the. institution of the guardianship in the local newspapers designated for the publication of the same.

10. A petition for the reexamination of the insane person with the view of declaring him to be sane may be presented either by the persons mentioned in Section 2 of the present instructions, or