Page:The Masses, Volume 1, Number 3.pdf/2

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T H E ΑΝΤΙ BOY SCOUT A s soon as the February issue reached our readers we began to receive requests to publish the Boy Scout article in leaflet form. F r o m east, west, north, and south letters came telling us that the Boy Scout Movement must be exposed, and that the publication of the leaflet would be a good way to do it. So we decided to publish the leaflet. It contains two beautiful illustrations, " A Boy Scout In The M a k i n g , " and " A Boy Scout, F i n ­ ished Product." The article, written by Geo. R . Kirkpatrick,

D o you believe in Socialism? Do you believe that Socialism is practical? Do you want to help us convince the people that Socialism is a practical economic movement ? If you do, help us teach the people practical co­ operation. Y o u can do this by acting as our agent. Upon your request, we will send you a bundle of magazines and subscription blanks. Get for us at our special rate of 1 0 Cents for 3 months, 100 subscriptions. Act äs our agent during these three months, and try to get as many renewals as possible, at the expiration of the subscriptions. If you have any magazines left for which

S U B S C R I P T I O N RATES= Yearly—50 Cents. H a l f yearly 25 Cents. F o r Manhattan and the Bronx. Yearly 75 Cents. H a l f yearly 40 Cents. Single copies 5 Cents. Bundle rates $4.00 per 100, express prepaid. ADVERTISING RATES F u l l page $50.00 H a l f page $30.00 One column. $20.00 One column, 3 inches..$ 6.50

Special Offer to Agents you cannot secure subscriptions, dispose of them singly, at 5 Cents each. W e will charge to you all single copies' at 4. Cents per copy. F o r your work we will present you with a premium worth $6.00, consisting of five copies of " W a r — W h a t F o r ? " by Geo. R. Kirkpatrick; price per single copy $1.20. T o secure the 100 subscriptions, you may en­ gage four other comrades who are anxious to get a free copy of the interesting and instructive book, " W a r — W h a t F o r ? " t


MOVEMENT author of " W a r , What F o r , " is a terrible indict­ ment of this particularly hideous phase of capiialist Society the Boy Scout Movement. W e decided to distribute the leaflet to the locals at cost price." It is printed on good paper, and is attractive i n its appearance. The price is $2.25 per 1,000, and $1.25 per 500. This is the cost price, and therefore the postage will have to be added, at the rate of 80 cents per 1,000. If you want it sent by express, send check and we will forward it express collect.

T o encourage yearly subscriptions, we allow the agent 7 points in the contest for each yearly subscription, and 3 points for each half yearly subscription. If you want a different premium, let us know, and we will try to accommodate you. Do not order any more magazines than you feel certain you can dispose of. Should you desire any additional number, drop us a postal, and we will send them. In taking subscriptions, mark next to each name "1 R " which means first copy, received through you. Next to the name of a subscriber who does not receive his first copy from you, mark " N R " and we will mail current issue.


Did you subscribe in January for three months? If you did, your subscription has now expired. We know, you do not want to stop getting the magazine. Y o u want to renew your subscription. Send us 50 Cents for a yearly or 25 Cents for a half-yearly subscription. O r better still, send us 10 new subscriptions at 10 Cents each and we will give you a half-year subscription free. If you send us 20 three months trial subscriptions at 10 Cents each we will renew your subscription for one year. The 10 Cents for the three months is meant as a trial offer. Therefore we cannot afford to renew any subscriptions for less than half a year at 25 Cents.

ANOTHER Y o u did not respond to our yell. The logical consequence is another yell. Y o u do not like us to yell. W e do not like to yell, either. But there is only one way of stop­ ping us. One hundred comrades, with a loan of $ 1 0 each, will guarantee the success of the magazine forever. M a k e us a small loan of $ 1 0 . W e will repay it with interest. Perhaps you did not respond to our yell be­ cause we look too prosperous. Perhaps you think we are supported by a number of rich comrades. W e regret to confess that we are not prosper­ ous, get no support from well-to-do comrades, nor expect any. W e know that we must depend upon you for


our support. O u r first yell immediately evoked an "I told you so," from our critics. Yes, a number of wiseacres told us so. They also told us you would not appreciate a high class magazine. They told us that what you want, is cheap, sensational journalism. That was an insult to your intelligence, to which you responded by subscribing in great numbers to The Masses. W e have doubled our subscriptions in the last thirty days. Comrades and friends, help us, if you want to have a high class Socialist magazine. The time is propitious. W e can build up the strongest propaganda organ with a little aid from you. The popular capitalist semi-radical magazines are doomed. The big interests are hot on their

trail. This is our opportunity, send us your aid. Y o u will not regret it. Do you.want to prove to the sneering critics that the working class does appreciate a high quality of literature? D o you want to prove to them that they have not cornered the brains of the Socialist Movement? If you do then help us at once by a small loan from $1 up. If you cannot lend us any money, we have another proposition. Send us any amount from $1 to $10, and we will mail you for every dollar, $1.25 worth of subscription cards. These cards are signed by The Masses Pub­ lishing Co., and will be accepted by us as sub­ scriptions when mailed to us.