Page:The Master of Mysteries (1912).djvu/153

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pose. But how in the world they are going to elope, I don't see."

"Love laughs at locksmiths," said Astro.

"But not at stepmothers. All the same, they're going to do it somehow, and I want to see the fun. It's bound to come off in a day or so now. I'm dying to speak of it to Chester and offer to help him; but I'm afraid it would spoil his fun. Hadn't we better just play about on the edge of it, and be ready for anything that happens?"

"It all depends on the next message. You go to the studio to-morrow and see if you can't find out about the elopement."

"All right," said Valeska.

At ten o'clock the next morning Astro received by a messenger a hurriedly penciled note. It read:

"Something awful has happened! Chester broke his leg last night, and was taken to the hospital; but when it was set (the leg), he insisted on being brought home to the studio. He's almost crazy, and has a fever, and I'm sure the elopement was planned for to-night. I'll get it out of him somehow, and you must tell me what to do. Here's the text he got last night: I can't make it out; so please tell me immediately.V."

The text indicated was from the fifty-ninth Psalm, verse fourteen:

"'And at evening let them return; and let them make a noise like a dog, and go round about the city.'"

As soon as Astro had looked it up, he put on his hat and coat, and jumping into his green limousine drove to Washington Square.