Page:The Master of Mysteries (1912).djvu/188

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why should the action be done anonymously? Did this person know about the cipher? If so, why leave the cipher there where she could find it and dig up the letter? Several things look suspicious to me. I must go over every point and analyze it. We must, in beginning any case of this sort, cast about immediately and find out who are the actors in the drama, who are the ones who will suffer or be benefited by this chain of circumstances.

"Now," he straightened up abruptly, "we must know more about Miss Dalrymple's household. To-morrow morning you shall make the trip to Yonkers, ostensibly to return her this locket with our solution of the cipher, but actually to enable you to inspect the house, grounds, servants, family history, and the like."

At once Valeska became businesslike. "Anything else?"

"Yes," he said emphatically. "Tell her that on no account whatsoever is she to dig beneath the rose bush until she hears from me! Understand?"

Valeska returned next noon with the information that Miss Dalrymple was in high spirits over the solution of the secret message.

"Did you tell her not to dig up the place until I came?"

"Yes, and she promised to wait."

"Well, what else?"

Valeska sniffed. "I certainly do not like that maid of hers. I may be only a woman without any more analytical brain than a sand-snipe, but I can tell a sniveling hypocrite of my own sex as far as I can see