Page:The Master of Mysteries (1912).djvu/241

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who has told me of your reputation for solving mysteries. I trust, sir, that you will consider what I have to say to you as confidential?"

Astro nodded and made an expressive gesture.

"My wife left our home yesterday afternoon, leaving a very painful letter for me. I wish to know, sir, if you think that you can discover her whereabouts for me without precipitating a scandal. I have the greatest wish that this matter should not be known unless it is absolutely necessary."

Astro bowed and pointed to a chair, seating himself as well. "I am ready, sir," he replied. "If you will acquaint me with the details, I think I can do what you wish."

"There are no details," the visitor broke out; "that is, none but this letter. Everything was all right; we were happily married; my wife and I loved each other. We have two children, whom she has abandoned. It's incredible, sir! There is absolutely no reason for it at all, so far as I can see. But look at this, and imagine what I have to suffer!"

He took a letter in an envelope from his pocket and handed it to the Seer.

Astro looked over the envelope carefully then opened the letter and read the following message:

"My Dear, Dear George—I shall never see you again. Don't try to find me. I'm going to finish a long bitter wretchedness. Forgive me if you can; for I have suffered. Farewell. Ellen."

His eyes ran over the pen strokes carefully. He looked at the back of the envelope again, then held it sensitively in his hands, keeping a serious silence for