Page:The Master of Mysteries (1912).djvu/479

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At half past nine that forenoon, Astro and Valeska stood behind the inside shutters of the parlor window at number 5652 Lexington Avenue. It was the house that Valeska had rented at the other end of the block in which Miss Wister lived.

A large furniture van stood in front of the door. A long table was on the sidewalk, standing parallel to the curb. Two men in overalls walked in and out of the house occasionally.

Astro looked at his watch. "About time for the show," he remarked. "How is Miss Wister standing the suspense?"

Valeska giggled. "I don't think she slept a wink last night, and when I got to her this morning she was almost frantic. I don't think that even now she considers herself safe. You see, she doesn't know you so well as I do. If you told me I was to be married today, I'd believe it!"

Astro turned to her with a sudden look in his eyes. "If I told you that you were to be married next month, would you believe it?" he demanded.

"Ah, but you're not going to tell me that!" said Valeska, putting away his hand gently. "But it was impossible to get Miss Wister to see the funny side of it all. I'm afraid that young Mr. Farralon is going to have a hard time getting some things into her head."

"Well, her heart is accessible, at any rate," Astro replied. His gaze returned to the window. "It's queer the Pi Rho Nu aren't here. We have mighty little time to get him ready. I believe they're going to wait till the last minute. No, by Jove! there they come now!" He rapped on the window sharply to the men on the sidewalk, who immediately put their hands to the table.