Page:The Master of Mysteries (1912).djvu/499

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able to know so easily when Pinkard is at home, and when he leaves to walk abroad."

"And how the flat was entered while she held him spellbound with her talk," added Valeska.

"But not how she is able to afford an eighty-five-dollar a month flat when she's out of a job," Astro scowled.

"Nor who it was who climbed across the shaft, entered Pinkard's kitchen, and ransacked his study."

Astro finished, "For further particulars I think we'll have to apply to Miss Van Amsterdam."

"Oh!" said Valeska.

"I forgot to tell you that Pinkard was once engaged to Miss Van Amsterdam. She threw him over in a particularly nasty way two years ago, when she was engaged for a time to Count Vinola."

"How did you find that out?"

"The steward of the Grill Club owns a half interest in the Peerless Restaurant, though few of the members know it. I lunched there this noon, and gave him some tips on the stock market. Now that Mr. Calendon is a power in Wall Street, he doesn't forget his friends. The steward was duly grateful, and told me several interesting things. I shall cultivate him in the future."

"Ah!" Valeska looked up, smiling. "So Miss Van Amsterdam was afraid of being exposed in his book, was she? Well, I hope she'll read the manuscript quickly."

"Yes," said Astro, as they walked back to the studio, "I hardly think it will be necessary for us to do anything more. I venture to make a prophecy. The Lady in Taupe will call on Pinkard again within three