Page:The Master of Mysteries (1912).djvu/84

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lone girl was to accomplish her design, sat studying the matter over. Before she could reply, however, McGraw came back with an astonished look on his face.

"The girl called at the Mulberry Street Station yesterday and reported that her pocket had been picked. She described the money and the button-hook all right; and I guess if you say so it must be one of Bull's jobs. But it's too late to catch her, I'm afraid."

"What did she look like?" asked Astro.

"Why, that's funny. This Gallino happened to be there, talking to the sergeant about his place bein' blown up, and he recognized her as a girl that used to work in the corner drug store near him. She spoke to him a few minutes, and then left; and Gallino told the sergeant about it."

Astro clapped his hands. "Selah!" he exclaimed. "The ether waves have met at last! Wait five minutes. I must consult my crystals."

The two watched him carefully.

Finally he looked up. "We must hurry!" he exclaimed sharply. "To-night a man will come to see Gallino, and as soon as he's alone will demand the thousand dollars."

"A man?" queried Valeska. "I thought it was the girl."

"The girl!" said McGraw in bewilderment. "Well, never mind. Whoever it is, we'll get him or her. The house is watched."

"Watched!" sneered the Master of Mysteries. "From the outside, I suppose?"

"Certainly," answered McGraw hotly.