Page:The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy - 1729 - Volume 2.djvu/522

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the radius, viz, 57°. 17'. 44". 48"', or 57, 2957795 degrees. Take an angle T = cc/2tt R ; E = b/2t T; S = 4c/3b T .

  The angle T be will the greateſt e- 

quation for the triangle OFK ; the an- gle S will be the greateſt equation for the ſegment LMG ; and the angle E will be the greateſt equation for the area OKFL. Which greateſt equations be- ing found, the equations at any angle of mean anomaly, will be determined by the following rules.

  LET M be the mean anomaly ;

and let τ be to T as the ſine of the angle 2 M to the radius : In which pro- portion, as alſo in the following, there is no need of any great ex- actneſs, it being ſufficient to take the proportions in round numbers.

  TAKE e to E as the ſine of 2M +/- 2 τ to

the radius; and s to S as the cube of the ſine of M +/- τ to the cube of the radius.

  THEN the angle QFL is equal to

M + e + s , in the firſt quadrant LN, or M - e + s , in the ſecond quadrant Nl, or M + e - s in the third quadrant, or M — e — s in the fourth quadrant.

  NOTE, That the ſmall equation τ is al- 

ways of the lame ſign with the equation e; and