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pose you are anxious to know what I am doing and how I am doing. I am raising a crop on the twelve mile perarah near the Wabash in the above named county, one mile from where the county seate is located, where a sale of Lotts will take place in July when I am desirous to seat myself for my business, for there is a great opening at preasant and the sooner I embrace the opertunity the better. It has the prospect of being a very rich country. It is settling very fast and with men of wealth. My staying so long from my family is very painful to me, but my misfortunes has forced me to try to make something for my family. I have above 30 acres in corn and oats and looks equal to any ever I saw. I think I shall have grain in abundance and grain is very high yet on account of people mooving so fast to this country. I design gowing back to Russell and Scott in July or first of August to try to settle up my affairs. I would be very glad to see yon onst more, but it is impossible for me to get to that country this season and move, for I am determined to move to a new country where I can have some chans to get a good home. Give our Love and respects to all enquiring friends. This from your loving Brother till death.


"Clinton County, Ind., July 18, 1830.

Dear Brother:

I again take up my pen to adress a fieu lines to you, least you should not get the first, and say through mercy I am enjoying health, but my companion has been very unwell for near 3 weeks past and recovers slowly. My crop looks well. I think I shall, if the season is good, have upwards of 12 hundred bushels of corn agreeable to the calculations amongst the people. I have betwixt 4 and 5 acres of the best oats ever I saw. Their is all the encouragement for people to work that is necessary and every thing bears a very fair price; a fine wheat country. We had a sail of Town lots on Monday last; Lots soald High and ready. I purchased one of the first chois lots in town. We have three payments, equal one in hand two annually. All I