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"Esterville, Scott Co., Va., June 23, 1823.


I take this opportunity of writing you a few lines to let you know that we are well at present. I have nothing particularly to write to you. I was at a great camp meeting last week in Lee. It was the greatest meeting that ever I was at; you might hear them shout a mile. There is no other society here but Methodist. I like them better than any other society. There were some fine meetings here at the courthouse.

Tom calls his son James Alexander. James has built him a fine house; have not been to see him for a year. I intend going there in a few days. I like Scott better than Russell. The people here are more moralise. Times is tolerable hard here at this time. I look for James here in a few days. Tom is doing tolerable good business here. Write to me how many children you have, what you call them all. No more at present. When I write to you again I have more to write.


John McClure."

"Hawkins County, Tenn., June 7, 1830.

Dear Sire.

I drop you a few lines to let you now that we ar in good health at this time, hoping thes lines may find you and your family enjoying your health. I have nothing particular to write to you at this time. I want you to tell Mathew Pilson that twenty dollars of that money that he let me have proved to be counterfit. A twenty dollar note on the United States Bank payable at Charlestown. I want you if you pleas to tell him to write to me amediately what I must do about the note. I want him to send me twenty dollars of good money, as I have lately bought me a tract of land and am very nedey for the money. Tell him not to fail in writing to me as soon as possible. And while you ar telling him be shoure not to forget to write yourself and let us now how you ar all doing. Polly will write to