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"Camp 52nd Virginia Infantry, Dec. 16, 1863.

To all whom it may concern.

The bearer hereof, M. T. McClure, Commissary Sergeant of the 52nd Va. Regiment, aged 29 years, 5 ft. 9 inches high, fair complexion, blue eyes, brown hair, and by profession a farmer; born in Augusta Co., State of Virginia, and enlisted at Staunton, in the County of Augusta, on the 31st day of July, 1861, to serve for the period of 12 months, is hereby permitted to go to his home in the County of Augusta, State of Virginia, he having received a furlough from the———day of———to the———day of———at which period he will rejoin his company or regiment at Somerville Ford or wherever it may be, or be considered a deserter.

Subsistence has been furnished the said Serg. M. T. McClure to the 16th day of December, 1863, and pay to the 31st day of October, 1863, both inclusive.

Given under our hand at Camp 52nd Va. Reg't, this 16th day of December, 1863.

G. M. COCHRAN, 52nd Va. Reg't.

The reason Sergeant M. T. McClure desires a furlough, is that he has just heard of the extreme illness of his mother in Augusta County, Va., whom he desires to visit. The applicant's character as a soldier has been unexceptionable.

G. M. COCHRAN, Capt.

This application was endorsed as follows:

"52nd Virginia Regiment, Dec. 16, 1863.

The applicant has never received transportation to his home and back under the law of Congress when on furlough of Indulgence.

Resp'y forwarded and approved.

G. M. COCHRAN, Capt. 52nd Va. Reg't."

"Hd. Qrs 52nd Va. Reg., Dec. 16, 1863.

Respectfully forwarded and approved.