Page:The Meaning of Relativity - Albert Einstein (1922).djvu/89

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That there are, nevertheless, in the general case, invariant differential operations for tensors, is recognized most satisfactorily in the following way, introduced by Levi-Civita and Weyl. Let be a contra-variant vector whose components are given with respect to the co-ordinate system of the . Let and be two infinitesimally near points of the continuum. For the infinitesimal region surrounding the point , there is, according to our way of considering the matter, a co-ordinate system of the (with imaginary -co-ordinates) for which the continuum is Euclidean. Let be the co-ordinates of the vector at the point . Imagine a vector drawn at the point , using the local system of the , with the same co-ordinates (parallel vector through , then this parallel vector is uniquely determined by the vector at and the displacement. We designate this operation, whose uniqueness will appear in the sequel, the parallel displacement of the vector from to the infinitesimally near point If we form the vector difference of the vector at the point and the vector obtained by parallel displacement from to , we get a vector which may be regarded as the differential of the vector for the given displacement .

This vector displacement can naturally also be considered with respect to the co-ordinate system of the . If are the co-ordinates of the vector at , the co-ordinates of the vector displaced to along the interval , then the do not vanish in this case. We know of these quantities, which do not have a vector