Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/140

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ness is tenderer, and your admiration for the truth and sublimity of these ideals intenser than ever before, even as you learn to perceive how far yet you are behind these ideals. You should feel roused, not only from the time when you have become a member of the Association, but even from the moment when you first hear the word 'purity'. From that moment you should be able to accept life as a solemn and sacred trust from on high; and you should resolve to struggle your way through the tremendous temptations to which your thoughts, your imaginations and your inclinations are exposed, albeit you feel that the strength of the heart is hardly equal to the arduousness of the task before you.

I have mentioned to you two classes of members. There is, yet, a third class, consisting of those who, swimming their way across life's solemn main, feel caught in a whirlpool; and we should all help get them to the shore! Remember that these are the stray ones dearest unto