Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/149

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will change the whole atmosphere. Go about, appealing to women that they too are God's children ; and you will feel exalted in their elevation. The great womanly virtues are not dead in the 'dancing girl.' Only the hard crust of custom has gathered around her soul. Break the crust, and you will find a pure life springing up in her. But since there can be nothing in the effect that is not already in the cause, store up purity in your own hearts by means of inspiring ideals, ennobling fellow-ship and prayerful self-dedication to God's glory ; and you will be as a cheering light, as a bracing zephyr, as a sanctifying baptism, wherever you go. God bless you all !