Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/155

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self-realisation which expresses itself in what the great German poet, Goethe, called the three Reverences.

Man is alike the wearied subject of adverse and opposing forces and the lucky favourite of helpful, propitious surroundings to which we give the name of environment. ,And of all the elements in man's surroundings, those select factors which most further his growth are what we call his ideals. Thereby man is not merely cheered on, because the best in his environment does not simply tolerate; but man is really helped on, his capacities drawn out by the potency of his ideals. Thus it is that ideals are a living, vital agency in unfolding the latent virtues of man and so shaping his character.

Hence we may perceive that in these three addresses we have, if I may use the ambitious expression, a full chart of our life — its right methods, its favourable circumstances and its ultimate realisation. Cultivate your self, sparing no pains. Seek and imbibe lofty ideals, drawing no