Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/158

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humble but honest opinion on every moving topic of the day.

The sum of human happiness is contained in that single word, Religion. The basis of every human concern is Religion; which is, indeed, the greatest boon that man enjoys. But the religion that we ill plead for to the utmost of our poor capabilities is, not the religion of hostile creeds and clashing churches, nor the religion of rites and ceremonies, of rituals and sacraments, but a faith and a hope that are.

"Lofty as is the love of God,
And ample as the wants of man."

And in commending this religion, we will touch upon every topic of interest and usefulness. We will deal with questions of Education, Society and Morality as, respectively, the planting, the growing and the harvesting processes of Religion. In Religion, we will advocate love; in Morality, justice; in Society, liberty; and in Education, culture. As a rule, politics we will not deal with. But questions of po-