Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/172

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Reluctant though we be to measure lan- ces, especially on matters of theology, with a Sanskrit scholar of the learning and reputation of Mahamahopadhyaya Paravasthu Venkata Rangacharyulayyavarlu Garu of Vizagapatam, our allegiance to the beam of light that is the star upon our path and the lamp unto our feet, our deep regard for the erudite and liberal-minded Mahamahopadhyaya and the supreme importance of the question at issue, prompt and encourage us respectfully to state our views upon some of the points which he so ably discussed the other day at Nellore.*[1] Apprehensive of the poor chance we stand against so veteran a knight, we nevertheless enter the lists, with the confession that, in responding to this call of duty, we are not unaware of either the weak spots in our armour or the defects of our weapons.

  1. * Vide The Hindu, February 22, 1889.