Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/177

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of God;" revelation, in its truest and most catholic sense, is the 'open sesame' to the mystery of religion ; and man is, by his very birth, entitled to the bliss of communion with his Father in heaven. Gracious God has willed that all His sons shall be blessed in His Presence and in His service ; and that revelation, in diverse ways and to various degrees, shall be vouchsafed unto every one whom His power creates, His 'wisdom guides and His love cherishes. The Brahmos assert that, not only in some mythical past but at every minute and every second of time, the Divine Spirit is passing over the pregnant waters of the human soul, evolving it into a purer, nobler and holier being and that with every beat of our hearts the Lord's will is being proclaimed to the waiting millions of the world. They assert that He who feeds the ant in its hole and the raven in its nest, who has spread out the feast of His favours and the banquet of His bounty everywhere under the sun, whose matchless wisdom