Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/20

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Brahma Samaj, finds to be "so sweet, so noble, so soul-inspiring that I have scarcely met them anywhere else, the writings of our beloved Minister, Keshub Chandra Sen, and Rev. P. C. Mozoomdar excepted". "The book," he adds, "in the beauty of its language and the sublimity of its thoughts stands almost unrivalled." And then, the characteristic spirit in which these and similar marks of unmeasured appreciation are received ! "I feel deeply thankful for the venerable Dr. Carpenter's very gracious letter Reflecting on it, my eyes moistened, my head bowed, in gratitude to him who deigns to transmit a ray from His altar even into common dust !" "Herewith dear brother Talukdar's very kind letter. But truly it has' evoked many sighs in course of the day: talking in Heaven, living in Hell ! Good God, when -is this misery to end?"

With such touching assurances as to what has already been offered, — equalled in their strength and sweetness only by the genuine 'unconsciousness' and, more