Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/200

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ing finger on the tablet of the human heart, the current of inspiration straight from the throne of God, the throb and motion of the soul under a divine influence, the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night to lead the wayfarer across the desert of the world. In obeying the dictates of conscience man does not rely upon his own weakness but yields himself up to the guidance of that Omniscient Master whose service is his salvation. The oracle may be heard here in sweet seraphic tones, there in low wavering whispers; the luminary may in one place shine clear in heavenly radiance, in another it may be screened behind the mists of ignorance or superstition. But in our God is found the blissful harmony of infinite Power, boundless Wisdom, and unlimited Love. He teaches, He judges, He loves, He saves. In the dispensations of Him unto whose omnipresent eye the end is disclosed from the beginning, sooner or later, here or hearafter, good is the final goal of ill and every winter changes to spring. The light