Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/211

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any other supposed deity, let it suffice to observe that the Mahamahopadhyaya himself admits that such worship is in substance false, though the adorer's heart is not in the wrong. No doubt, ignorance may be no sin* But, if the essence of worship consists of both Truth and Love, then is it not the prime duty of wisdom to help a brother to Withdraw from error? True tolerance implies something more than good-natured non-interference; it springs from that large-hearted trust, that keen-sighted sympathy, which ever strives to elicit the best, the truest and the loveliest, in human spirit. Never will an appeal to the native instincts of the soul fail of its object; 'Jove nods to Jove from behind each one of us.' If, as declared by a competent authority or. indubitable evidence, 'religion is a universal phenomenon of human nature,' it is because divine 'grandeur' intimately permeates human 'dust'; it is because, ' the Truth in God's breast lies trace for trace up©n ours impressed.' Hence, the supreme—indeed, the sole—