Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/24

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ing", a selection of seven pleasant 'articles' follows, comprising the happy harmonisation, in 'aim and outlook,' of "East and West, the Spiritual and the Practical, the Speculative and the Active" ; the sweet sublimation of '"he golden rule' of the love of one's neighbour as oneself into 'the highest law' of "self-denying love for God and His world"; the clear deduction of "the twin principles of Catholicity and Synthesis" from their vital source in the Fatherhood and the Unity of the Godhead; the relentless refutation of a respected Mahamahopadhyaya's orthodox position as to 'the seat of authority in religion', with the incidental examination of the Christian dogma of eternal hell and the Hindu doctrines of reincarnation, the efficacy of animal sacrifices and the oneness of the 'ism' despite its diversity of sects and schools ; the reasoned exposition of the inevitable and paramount place of 'prayer and worship' in religious life ; the varied interpretation of the familiar concept of spiritual 'hunger and thirst' ; and