Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/243

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heart, what intrusion that we should word our joy, name our bliss? We feel even now that Thou art enshrined in us as the dearest, sweetest, mightiest, holiest One, the absolutely perfect One; and we bow down before Thee in reverent joy. In the beginning Thou didst abide in Thine own undifferentiated unity; but Thou didst, in Thy love and mercy, prefer to be figured forth in manifold and multiplied creation, and Thou didst again deign to re-integrate the whole of Thy limitless creation into the recess and embrace of Thine own undivided singleness. We are but the visionaries of the fleeting phenomena, we perceive only the shadows. But, by Thy grace and mercy, as the eyes are closed, the heart is opened; as the senses are sealed up, the spirit within is unveiled; and we behold Thee behind the phenomena, beyond the shadows, as the One Eternal Reality; and we rejoice that thus we are led even by Thee into the Holy of Holies. There, in the immost shrine of Thine eternal presence, what are we, where are we, except