Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/256

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to the expectant heart thus the Supreme Lord becomes alike the prompter and the fulfiller, the source and the gratification of all the joys of life. His outgoing is the manifest world; His home-returning is the ideal world. To realise this is the end of sadhana. And it has been enjoined on us even by our own God as a task, not imposed by extraneous compulsion, but induced within us for our own weal; so that we practise this sadhana for the healthy growth of our souls and not avoid it as a curb on the freedom of life. The aim and purpose of it all is to behold the glory of God here and now, within and without us. If we thus feel, through God's grace, encircled, embraced with the glory of His presence,. there is but one sentiment that the heart cherishes after that blessed experience—the sentiment of thankful joy, of joyful thanksgiving. Dear God, is this what Thou hast designed and provided for me—to see Thee, to perceive Thee, to feel the touch of Thee everywhere and always? If this is Thy purpose, how prosaic is the