Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/266

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we beseech Thy in-coming grace on us. Come, our own dear, ever-adorable God. Here we have met to lay bare our hearts, to disburden our griefs and sorrows, to confess our sins and transgressions, to disclose our faults and frailties, to own our endless gratitude, to be enriched with the gifts of Thy mercy, to be transformed by the might of Thy grace into newer life, fresher aspirations and firmer resolutions. Do Thou descend, in Thy mercy and Thy grace into our hearts. We seek not the gifts of the world. Here, there, everywhere they lie in inexhaustible abundance, provided in Thy providence, fore-arranged in Thy prevision even before we needed them or took thought of them. We desire to grow into Thee, we seek to put on Thee more and more, to imbibe Thee, to be infused, instilled, suffused, surcharged with the spirit of Thy holiness. Here we come with that thirst, with that yearning, with that joint petition; that is our combined supplication, that is our united prayer at Thy foot-stool. May we be drunk with the nectar ,