Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/269

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crusted globe below and in those beckoning stars above; in the solemn quiet of the night and in the vivifying light of the down, we behold Thy abiding presence. Incalculably rich, indescribably varied and yet marvellously harmonised, this universe is the manifestation of Thy power, wisdom, goodness and holiness. We live in the expansive temple of this world. In the hardness of that which resists, in the softness of that which soothes, in the geniality of the sunshine which awakens new hope in the heart, in the revolving cycle of the seasons which bring tokens of Thy ceaseless mercy, in the unfailing fidelity of the earth's movement and rotation suggestive of the permanence of Thy purpose, even as it is sustained by Thy love, we behold Thee. In the throbs of the heart, in the pricks of conscience, in the commanding sense of duty., in all these we behold Thee. Thy sovereign Will reigns, Thy awe-inspiring Presence beams forth, everywhere. All laws are the expressions of Thy eternal truth, even as all love is the outpour-