Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/294

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through the holy bond of at-one-ment established between Thy children and Thy self, the eternal verity which time cannot wear out and our petty follies cannot defeat or destroy, Thou art incessantly augmenting our treasures, Thou art ceaselessly multiplying our family and Thou art endlessly adding to our affections in our heavenly home. Ours is no narrow home-stead, a household of mundane worlds. No, not herein is our home; but we belong to the larger household of love. And those that have gone before us being made sure in Thee, we have our confidence reaffirmed that they shall abide in Thee for ever. The dear ones are gone, but it is impossible that they should vanish into nothing. Annihilation is an unthinkable condition in our relationship to Thee. Who can destroy life, when Thou art all-life? Do Thou impart unto us larger belief in Thee, infuse into us deeper faith in Thee, that we might praise Thee, glorify Thee, render our thanks unto Thee, as we understand and apprise all these arresting occurrences as Thy love-