Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/318

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diving God, plunging into the sunken retreats of the fallen. Blessed, thrice-blessed, be Thou that Thou caresteven for me! I rejoice in triumph, I thrill with unutterable joy, that Thou carest even for me I My Father holds me dear ; my Mother appraises me beyond all computation of human values. I am dhanya, I am dhanya, elated, blessed, beyond all calculation. In profound gratitude, I proclaim Thy victory, Jai, Jai, Jai, glory, glory, glory unto the Supreme Ruler, the Sole Master, the Eternal Sovereign of all!



Verily Thou art All, All-in-all, the All-sufficing, All-absorbing God. Thou art All-in-all unto us. Truly, verily, we spring out of Thee; we grow in Thee; and we are resumed unto Thee. In the very conception of our being, Thou art implied. In the growth and development of life, in the unfolding and outflowering of the soul, in the quest and accomplishment of human destiny, Thou art the eternal Pre-